Is this the year to write your parent’s memoir?

Here is a post by Jerry Waxler that poses the question about writing your parents' memoir? I wonder if this is a necessary step to writing our own?

Is this the year to write your parent’s memoir?

Copyright © 2012, Ruth Zaryski Jackson


kathleen pooler said...

Hi Ruth, Thanks for reposting Jerry's post on writing your parent's memoir. I am struggling a bit too with how to weave my own story in with my parents' stories. Keep me posted on what is working for you.
Happy New Year!

Ruth Zaryski Jackson said...

Hi Kathy,
I don't have a solution yet. Maybe write 2 memoirs? I think their story has to remain in the background of my own story. Thanks for reading my blog. Happy New Year to you too!

kathleen pooler said...

Ruth,I think the answer will come as we keep writing. Here's to a productive year of writing!